Saturday 29 September 2012


Hi.. dah lame x update.. hohoho... now sye jst update using my phone..  this is my 1st update using phone.. haaa...

Mcm yang kite tau.. dunia sekang dah maju.. dulu time org nak cipte telephone di kate gile.. nowdays mcm2 dah ade kat pasaran.. anyway mobile phone is amazing  to know cause why?? Sbb pencapaian dalan pekembagan teknologi telephone  ni cepat tak mcm computer..

As we know google release thier own Os which is android~ wuu.. I'm  android  user too.. but don forget abou Ios and windows phone ok.. dulu ade meego,meemo but tu jst nokia je yg pakai then depa pi stop releasing that os.. sian~ but yang hiran ye nape symbian still ade untill now? Everybody's said death Os. Haha.. sbb ape?? Sbb xbanyak app like Ios and Android la...

Kat sini aq nak cerite pasal android je. Sbb ape? Sbb aq pon pakai android~ (xperia fans!!!) Hahaha... dri pandagan aq lakan.. android ni bagus~ but bnyk kekurangan dy.. like update cpt sgt untill ade device  yang x dpt update~ google need to do something about this!! Even android phone is only phone using quad-core!!! Dah mcm computer  plak.. yeah android mmg menyerupai computer pon.. but for me it stll phone so no need quad-core la bagai.. sbb pe? Sbb nak bagi smooth tu je.. sbb even ko pakai dual-core it still lag!!

Now dah smpai mase smartphone era... so lagi mcm2 function phone boleh buat... but jgn lupe sehebat mane pon phone yg korang beli lagi2 android sure jangle hayat dy x smpai setahun~ like my phne ni.. baru setahon pakai dah xdpt update~ zzz... but boleh gune custom rom la... asal korang dah root and unlock korang punye bootloader.. tu la istimewe ye android ni.. even xdpt update secare official but it stll can update as long as ade developer yg buat la ye...

Sekang wp8 a.k.a windows phone 8 dah kua... and it look so awesome!!! Lagi2 lumia 920... mmg dasyat woo... pureview technology  katekn.. haha.. but Iphone5 pe kurangnye... even design  still same but for apple fans it still awesome~ hahaha ...

But ingt la... xkesah la phone pe yg korang pakai ia ttp phone... hee... klau blackberry a.k.a Bb ni lain sikit.. dy best tok social  je.. klau bab function "0".. hahahaha.. tu je la...

Ni jst pendapat aq... xtau la pendapat korang mcm mane pulak.. heee... salam

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